Cascadia Vortex: Manifesting Vision – Creating Culture
CascadiaFire, like other sacred fire circle gatherings, is not just a ceremony or a collective art creation.
CascadiaFire is an expression of the Cascadia Vortex, the Family of Fire and Water emerging in this bioregion as a local community cocreation. We are aligned with, and continuous with, the Family of Fire communities and events around this continent and the Earth. Together we are creating healthy culture, for ourselves, for our children and grandchildren, for our Ancestors and for Gaia of whom we are living parts.
As we create, engage in, and assimilate CascadiaFire we open into our personal challenges in a setting of respectful relationships and mutual support. Here we do what we have always dreamed of doing, whether a song, a dance, musical improvisation, or simply initiating a friendship with someone you have seen before or someone who just stepped into your world. Here you are encouraged to take that creative risk that you’ve retreated from – this circle will cheer you on, especially if it’s “not as good as” you dreamed of but you went for it anyways. Fears, judgments and “shoulds” are thrown into the fire as we melt away stagnant masks and roles, obsolete false selves, and see the dawn after a deep starlit night of discovery and transformation.
The vision of Fire Circle flows from millennia of shared myth and art in an intimate space of shared awe and laughter, revelations and spontaneity, release and rebirth. Yet the inspiration of our gathering extends far beyond those precious nights that we will remember forever. The months of coming together to envision and craft, to gather and build, and to reflect and carry forward are the lasting treasures that will enliven and enrich each day for the rest of our lives. Among the Mysteries of the Fire Circle tradition is the conscious embodiment of your true Self, demonstrating the lineages of Magick as alive in our beings, in our relationships, in this beautiful land we call home, and within this self-aware being of Gaia within whom we live, move and have our being. The secrets of the Stars are not “out there” nor are myths of one’s true heart song and life dance merely the stuff of legend. How we live each day and what we bring to the Fire are our Magick and these are the moments that reveal Life’s Mysteries.
Living Memories
CascadiaFire Past Events
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What is the Fire Circle?
TThere are many fire-centered mystery traditions and have been since the dawn of human consciousness. Fire was perhaps one of the catalyzing forces for the growth of human awareness and is one of the most distinguishing factors of humanity’s evolution as a species. So it is no surprise that it’s presence is seen in almost every religious and spiritual endeavor, and that myriad mystery schools have the Sacred Flame as a core principle in their teachings. What is unique about this tradition is the open-sourced, co-created, modern adaptation of fire ceremony. While our roots are steeped in Western esoteric traditions, and our music a blend of drumming styles from Africa, the Middle East, and elsewhere, the essence of what we do is ultimately an original and emergent tradition in harmony with these times and our diverse bioregions.At the heart of it is the fire, around which a whirling gyre of dancers spin throughout the night to the rhythms and melodies of the drums and our voices. But this is not a typical drum circle. The architecture of our circle is systematically laid out to create an intentional outdoor temple dedicated to the fire in the middle, the spark of life in each and every heartmind, and the glittering starlight above. With intention and active listening, we make music, weave chants, and offer poetry for each other in a collective act of magick and wonder. This crucible is also place where we risk living our dreams, open ourselves to transformation, transmute our lead into gold, and where we experience self-healing. We also have a lot of fun and raucous laughter is not uncommon. Our rituals are sacred, but not solemn.
It should be noted that this is not always an easy path, for it is also an ordeal of endurance and focus. Music, dance, song, sacred teachings, and firelight induce hypnotic, trance states and ecstatic eternal moments that can release our social programming, reorganize our neural pathways, and reframe our perceptions in ways beneficial to our personal and collective magickal workings. To reap the benefits of this magick and these mysteries requires perseverance, engagement, commitment, and the willingness to move beyond our comfort zone. However, the rewards are abundant and the depth of connection with community members immeasurably potent. Within the protective magickal circle we cast, we journey together for three nights, dancing with the fire to release what no longer serves us and and embody our True Self. Together we illuminate our hearts as we celebrate the life we share, rooted in the earth and connected with the stars.
Family Fire of Gatherings
Rites of Spring
Earth Spirit
Vegas Vortex
MayFire, BoneDance, Mysterium and more
Vegas Vortex
MayFire in The Valley of Fire
Fall Fest and BoneDance
Songs and Chants
Alchemy and Fire Circle Dynamics
Sekhmet Temple of Goddess Spirituality
ForestDance New England
Heartbeat Collective
ForestDance Costa Rica
Heartbeat Collective
Fires Rising at Four Quarters
Four Quarters Interfaith Sanctuary
Spark Collective
Sacred Fire Circle in Paradise
Wisconsin every July
Spirit Fire Festival
New Lebanon, NY (near Pittsfield, MA)
Sherman, New York
Offered with deep gratitude to The Vegas Vortex community and Illumination.
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Sacred Fire Circle Documentary
Credit: Enigma Productions